Product MHM-101

Mozammal Hoque Market, Mozammal Hoque Market Product, MHM-101
Mozammal Hoque Market
৳ 5000.00
Product NameMHM-101
BrandMozammal Hoque Market
Product Code101
What is include in the Product Charge?Only the Per Month Rent Payment is included in the Product Charge.
***Others Charge(Like: Service Charge) is not included in the Product Charge.
or Shop through your favorite 'Market Place' :

MHM-101 Shop will be rented between BDT 4000 to 5000 Taka.

Anyone interested to Rent MHM-101 Shop, Please contact with us.

Mozammal Hoque Market is a popular market located in Bhaukshar Bazar. It is a commercial and multipurpose building. This multipurpose building has shops on the ground floor, offices on the second floor and flats on the third floor. This market was established in 2021 at Bhaukshar Bazar in Bhaukshar Union of Barura Upazila.

Get In Touch

Bhaukshar Bazar, Mozammal Hoque Market, Vauksar Road, Cumilla 3500



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Mozammal Hoque Market
Mozammal Hoque Market is a popular market located in Bhaukshar Bazar. It is a commercial and multipurpose building. This multipurpose building has shops on the ground floor, offices on the second floor and flats on the third floor. This market was e…

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